Tips for managing urinary urgency in public restrooms

Tips for managing urinary urgency in public restrooms

Urinary urgency is one of the most common symptoms of a UTI. It can be an embarrassing and stressful experience, especially when you’re out in public and have to deal with urgent bathroom needs. But don’t let urinary urgency stop you from going out! With these tips for managing urinary urgency in public restrooms, you’ll be able to keep your lifestyle active while also treating your UTIs.

Don’t avoid using public restrooms.

Urinary urgency is a common problem for people with bladder weakness. The key to managing urinary urgency in public restrooms is knowing what to do when you need to use one. If you avoid using public restrooms, you will be more likely to have an accident.

It’s important not just for your health but also out of respect for others who may be waiting in line behind you or standing next to the sink while they wash their hands after using the toilet themselves. There are many ways that people can manage urinary urgency in public restrooms:

Keep a bottle of water in your purse or bag.

  • Keep a bottle of water in your purse or bag.
  • Don’t drink too much water, it can make you feel worse.
  • Don’t drink alcohol, it can make you feel worse.
  • Don’t eat a lot of spicy food, it can make you feel worse

Pack a foam wedge in your suitcase.

Foam wedges are also useful for traveling. They can be used to elevate the legs or to help with pain and pressure, as well as sleep and swelling. If you have a foam wedge at home, it’s easy enough to pack one in your suitcase. If not, there are many options available online that cost only a few dollars apiece (or even less).

Carry a few thin disposable pads that can be inserted into panties.

If you want to be prepared for the unexpected, consider carrying a few thin disposable pads that can be inserted into panties. These are not as effective as regular menstrual pads and don’t offer the same level of protection, but they’re better than nothing when it comes to managing urinary urgency.

Another option is to use disposable pads for travel or work purposes–for example, if you’re going on a trip and don’t want to deal with having your period while traveling (or if your workplace doesn’t allow women employees who are menstruating).

Keep some sanitary wipes in your purse or car.

Keep some sanitary wipes in your purse or car.

Sanitary wipes are an easy way to clean up after using a public restroom, but they can also come in handy when you’re out and about. For example, if you spill coffee on yourself as you get into the car, it’s helpful to have sanitary wipes on hand so that there isn’t any residue left behind when someone else uses that seat later on. Or maybe there’s been an accident with one of the kids who was sitting in that spot; having some sanitizing wipes around will make their next ride more comfortable!

Urinary urgency doesn’t have to stop you from going out

Urinary urgency is a common symptom of interstitial cystitis, a chronic condition that causes bladder inflammation and pain. Urinary urgency can be embarrassing, especially when you’re out with friends or family and have to find a place to go as soon as possible.

It’s important to know that urinary urgency isn’t just a problem for women; men experience it too. Urinary urgency is not the same thing as incontinence either–it’s different than having an uncontrollable urge to pee all over yourself! If you feel like there’s no end in sight when it comes to needing to go potty every few minutes or seconds (or even less), then this article will help show you how manage these situations so they don’t interfere with your life anymore!

Urinary urgency is a real problem, but it doesn’t have to stop you from going out. With some planning and preparation (and maybe even a little luck), you can find yourself in a public restroom with no trouble at all!