Women on the Water and in the Woods

Women on the Water and in the Woods

There was a time when one would be hard pressed to find a woman who was willing to go fishing, hiking, backpacking, or hunting, much less one who actually wanted to participate in these activities. However, theses days it’s not uncommon at all to find a woman in the field, in a tree stand, on the water, or hiking the Appalachian Trail for that matter.

Even today not all women are interested or willing to attempt one of these sports or outdoor activities. More often than not, it will depend on the woman and/or the activity. You’ll find, for instance, that some women will attempt anything at least once, while others will only have an interest in certain types of outdoor sports or activities. You may find one woman that will enjoy stream fishing but doesn’t care a bit about fishing from a boat. Likewise, you may find other women …

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A Sports Watch With Special Features Can Make Your Outdoor Sports More Fun

Here’s a cool way to convince your spouse you really need one of those techie watches to help you with your favorite outdoor sport. Depending on the type of exercise or sport you enjoy here are three ideas to justify a new watch. The most obvious sport is backpacking. Another sport is hiking, but have you thought about swimming?

A Sports Watch With Special Features Can Make Your Outdoor Sports More Fun

Of course you need a compass if you are hiking or backpacking. There are so many sites online now that give you access to all kinds of maps to use for any outdoor activity. The advantage of a digital compass on your watch is it is always instantly available. Your digital compass is right there on your wrist so that you can constantly check your course.

Getting lost is the last thing you want to do when you are outdoors. So, battery life is another concern. Your watch, and compass, is …

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