How to Get an Electronic Travel Authority or ETA for Australia?

How to Get an Electronic Travel Authority or ETA for Australia?

Do you plan to go to Australia for vacation or for a business trip? You will certainly need an electronic travel authority. It is an automatic system that determines the eligibility of visitors into Australian territory under the new regulations. It requires the same information as the paper version.

What is ETA Australia?

Before applying online for an ETA australia, you should know its real definition. It is an electronic visa issued by the Australian Government. While some nationalities can apply for this visa, it is not the case for some EU and other countries nationals. None the less, they still can apply for an ETA  from special travel agencies under certain conditions. The ETA visa is for people who want to do tourism in Australia or who go to the country for a professional reason. The business trips concerned include conferences, negotiations, professional appointments and training. The ETA is valid for a year from the date of obtaining the visa. And it allows you to stay 3 months maximum in Australia, with free entry and exit in the territory.

There are 3 types of ETA visa:

  • Visitor: valid 12 months for several visits of 3 months maximum each stay.
  • Business Short: also valid 12 months for several visits of 3 months maximum each stay.
  • Business Long: valid for all the life of the passport for several visits of 3 months maximum each stay.

Conditions for Obtaining an ETA Australia

You are eligible if you come from one of the 32 countries including, inter alia, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Italy, Monaco, Netherlands, Malaysia, France and Japan. After receiving your ETA, you can directly go to Australia as many times as you want for the coming 12 months as long as each visit lasts 3 months or less. It is important to notice that you cannot work while in Australia, but can participate in business visitor activities including contractual negotiations, and attending conferences. Of course, you are not allowed to study or undergo training for more than 3 months at a time.

Moreover, ETA Australia visitors have to be free from tuberculosis and they must have zero criminal conviction for which they have been sentenced for a total period of 12 months or more. Obviously, they must live outside Australia. If you meet all of these requirements, you are likely to get an online ETA visa for Australia. You just need to apply for it on a reliable website by providing some data such as your email address and credit card.