Treatment For Interstitial Cystitis

Treatment For Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition that affects the bladder, causing discomfort, pain and other symptoms. The latest treatment for interstitial cystitis is a combination of hydrocortisone and B-12. There are two forms of treatment for interstitial cystitis: oral antibiotics and intravesical instillation therapy (IVI).

The latest treatment for interstitial cystitis is a combination of hydrocortisone and B-12.

The latest treatment for interstitial cystitis is a combination of hydrocortisone and B-12.

Hydrocortisone is a steroid, which means it helps reduce inflammation in your body. It’s often used to treat skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis and can also be prescribed to help with arthritis pain (though this isn’t recommended if you have asthma).

B-12 is a vitamin that helps keep the nervous system healthy by producing red blood cells; deficiency can lead to anemia–a condition where there are too few red blood cells circulating in your body–so if you’re taking hydrocortisone along with B-12 it could be beneficial for both conditions at once!

There are two forms of treatment for interstitial cystitis

There are two forms of treatment for interstitial cystitis: medication and surgery.

Medication can be used to reduce pain, inflammation and frequency of symptoms. Medications include:

  • Antibiotics (for infections)
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (to reduce swelling and pain)

If you have interstitial cystitis, your doctor may recommend changes in your diet or activity level to help reduce symptoms. For example:

  • Avoid foods that are high in salt, sugar or fat; eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains instead
  • Drink plenty of
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