Cystitis & How It Affects Your Everyday Life

Cystitis & How It Affects Your Everyday Life

Cystitis is a common and painful condition that can be caused by a variety of infections. It’s also known as a bladder infection. Everyone experiences cystitis differently, but there are some clear signs to watch out for. Cystitis symptoms tend to be worse at night because the bladder is more full then, so it can make it difficult to sleep. The best way to avoid this is to drink lots of water throughout the day and keep your bladder empty at night. Cystitis can cause pain during urination or when emptying your bladder. Other symptoms include burning sensation when urinating and feeling like you have to go more often than usual

Cystitis is a common and painful condition that can be caused by a variety of infections. It’s also known as a bladder infection.

Cystitis is a common and painful condition that can be caused by a variety of infections. It’s also known as a bladder infection, which is often mistaken for an STD (sexually transmitted disease).

It’s important to know that cystitis isn’t limited to women; men can also get it too! However, women are more likely than men to develop this condition since they have shorter urethras (the tube connecting your bladder to your genitals) and therefore closer proximity between the anus and vagina. In addition, vaginal intercourse increases the risk of transmitting bacteria from one partner’s body into another’s during sex–and this is just one way that people might contract cystitis without realizing it until symptoms appear …

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